WEntre project aims to support VET provides from developing countries not associated to the Programme in order to develop educational programmes, based on foundational competences, built upon the European Reference Framework (ERF), European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (ENTRECOMP) and UN Women Values & Competences Framework. The programme will aim at empowering women in developing countries to fight unemployment and gender inequality, cultivating entrepreneurship. As far as the ERF is concerned, through WEntre, 6 out of the 8 competences will be developed related to women entrepreneurship: Literacy competence; Science, technological, engineering and mathematical competence; Digital competence; Personal, social and learning competence; Civic competence; and Cultural awareness and expression competence (ie all competences except Language Competence and Entrepreneurship competence (that will be covered through ENTRECOMP))
According to the Council recommendation on ERF “The New Skills Agenda for Europe announced the review of the 2006 Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning acknowledging that investing in skills and competences and in a shared and updated understanding of key competences is a first step for fostering education, training and non-formal learning in Europe”. On the other hand, ENTRECOMP aims “to build a bridge between the worlds of education and work, by contributing to a better understanding and promotion of the entrepreneurship competence in Europe”. Both statements indicate the importance the Commission is placing on the 2 frameworks. Capacity building projects support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in developing countries (not associated to the Programme) as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development. For capacity building to be effective we need to ensure three principles:
ownership, coherence and sustainability
WEntre aims to build the capacity of VET institutions in Egypt through the implementation of two complete VET Programme cycles, i.e. the codesign and co-development, co-delivery, co-evaluation and co-validation of skills and competencies. The cooperation on the whole cycle of the VET programme causes ownership. As far as coherence is concerned, we have decided to select frameworks developed by the European Commission that are relevant to the countries we will be working with. As far as sustainability is concerned, we have selected frameworks that are transversal and applicable to different types of learners and therefore the programmes will continue to be delivered after the completion of the project.
The objectives of WEntre are the following:
1. Develop cooperation between VET providers, entrepreneurship organisations in the area of development and validation of enhanced digital competences
2. Implement together the whole cycle of the VET educational programme developed (from the design, to the evaluation and validation)
3. Co-design, co-develop VET curricula and materials for new digital skills regarding entrepreneurship and to align them with a specific EQF Level (level 5)
4. Develop the competences of VET providers of developing countries not associated to the Programme on the design of curricula and materials aligned with EQF and EQAVET standards
5. Co-develop an assessment tool for the developed curriculum to be used for the validation of the non-formal learning provided to the learners
6. Develop and validate the competences of the learners
7. Empower the VET providers in the developing countries not associated to the Program through the implementation of capacity building activities such as joined workshops, training of master trainers etc.
8. Promote these capacity building results to other VET providers in the countries of the consortium as well as outside of the consortium area